STA-SHARP S3S KNIFECUT FILM | Water Resistant Solvent Adherable Knifecut Stencil Film

STA-SHARP S3S (NC), (former DP-4149), is a green colored solvent adhering knifecut stencil film on 300-gauge polyester backing that is easy to cut, peel and adhere. STA-SHARP S3S offers a very fast option for stencil making with no special exposing equipment required.

The recommended adhering liquid for this film is STA-SHARP (NC) Adhering Liquid.

STA-SHARP S3S is solvent-friendly and there are commercially available lacquer thinners that will work as adhering liquid for this film as well. Additionally, STA-SHARP S3S is completely resistant to water and is to be used with water-based inks.

For information on STA-SHARP S3S, please contact Ulano - Brooklyn or your territory managers.

  • Shelf Life: 2 years

Format (Rolls):

  • S3S213NP 40" x 300"

  • Rolls on 300-Gauge Polyester Backing

  • Jumbo rolls of 40" width (not punched) for automated film cutting devices are available upon request. MOQ applied.

Tech Data Sheet (English)